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I will never forget you; I have held you in the palm of my hands.Isaiah 49:16









I can still feel the heartstring that connects us, and I will never let go.

                                                                                                           Vicki Myron





 Special Thank you to Artist: David Willardson
Your kindness will always be remembered.. .

Child of Mine


I'll lend you for a little time

A child of mine, God said

For you to love the while he lives

And mourn for when he's dead


It may be six or seven weeks

Or thirty years or three

But will you, till I call him back

Take care of him for me?


He'll bring his charm to gladden you

And should his stay be brief

You'll have his lovely memories

As solace for your grief


                                       I can not promise he will stay                                       

Since all from Earth return

But there are lessons taught down "there"

I want this child to learn


And there, with you on earth

This child of mine I lend

For the many souls that he will touch

With the lessons that I send


I looked the whole world over

In my search for people true

And from the throngs who crowd life's way

I have selected you


Now will you give him all your love

Nor think the labor vain

Nor hate Me when I call around

To take him back again


I fancy that I hear you say

"Dear Lord, thy will be done"

For all the joy this child has brought

All fateful risks we run


We sheltered him with tenderness

We love him while we may

And for the happiness we have known

We shall forever grateful stay


But you came 'round to call for him

Much sooner than we planned

Dear Lord, forgive this grief

And help us understand








Once Upon A Miracle


My time on earth was short, I know

But now I'm back at home

I'm watching over all of you

You'll never be alone


Someday our souls will meet again

But this time never part

My life will never end here

It's only just the start


So when you think about me

Know how happy I am here

Recall this little story

Let it take away your fear


Once upon a miracle

I heard the angels sing

Their voices filled the sky above

Yet I couldn't see a thing


Their trumpets sounded softly

As the angels sang with pride

The gates of Heaven opened then

The sounds came from inside


I saw an angel peeking out

She was someone that I knew

Her soft voice whispered to me

I've been waiting here for you


Your time on earth is now complete

For here you'll always be

Yes , once upon a miracle

The angels sang to me.


                                Mary Farrell






Little Boy Blue


The little dog is covered with dust,

But sturdy and staunch he stands;

And the little toy soldier is red with rust,

And the musket molds in his hands.

Time was when the little toy dog was new,

And the solider was passing fair;

And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue

Kissed them and put them there.


"Now don't you go till I come" he said,

"And don't you make any noise!"

So, toddling off to his trundle-bed,

He dreamt of the pretty toys;

~~~~*And, as he was dreaming, an angel song

Awakened our Little Boy Blue*~~~~

Oh! the years are many, the years are long,

But the little toy friends are true!


Faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,

Each in the same old place;

Awaiting the touch of a little hand

The smile of a little face;

And they wonder, as waiting the long years through

In the dust of that little chair,

What has become of Our Little Boy Blue,

Since he kissed them and put them there?





Quick Gallery
Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie's last halloween Halloween 1996 Ronnie's 4th Birthday Ronnie and his guitar Ronnie & Lisa Jen, Ronnie, Grandma, Lisa Ronnie in Florida At the Park Ronnie with Taylor, Zak, Jen, Lisa & Winnie in belly Ronnie and his sand ball Ronnie swinging Lisa, Ronnie, Jen at the "pool"